The Great Wooster Tree

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William Henry Worster to Wooster

William later changed his name to "Wooster" to disassociate from the
sauce maker. William attended St John's Church of England school and also worked
with his father on the Sydney to Granville railway line at aged 12, later as dobbin
driver, and became a noted schoolmaster and an authority on astronomy, microscopy,
and other studies that he lectured on.
William lived on the estate of John Lackey clearing and helping supply billets for the railway engines. In
1861 he worked some years whip making, probably at Hodgson's factory along with his sister Susannah. He
also spent two years studying for the ministry in the Church of Christ, but returned to teaching, and
continued preaching for sixty years. William opened a free
night school for children after becoming a public school teacher and lodged with Mr.Jas. Murray, teacher at
the Parramatta Public School.


Owner of originalRay Wooster
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File Size31.95k
Dimensions240 x 210
Linked toWilliam Henry Worster

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