The Great Wooster Tree

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Edith Annie Seal

Female 1869 - 1947  (78 years)

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  • Name Edith Annie Seal 
    Birth 10 Jan 1869  3 Spring Gardens, Northampton, Northamptonshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Death 06 Sep 1947  Nags Head, 65 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I00006  Great Wooster Tree
    Last Modified 16 Mar 2018 

    Family Arthur Wooster,   b. 01 May 1877, 5 Hotspur Street, Kennington Road, Lambeth, London SE11 Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Jan 1949, Nags Head, 65 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years) 
    Marriage 15 Aug 1900  Emmanuel Church, Lambeth, London SE11 Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • FreeBMD
      Marriages Sep 1900
      Seal Edith Annie Lambeth 1d 711
      Wooster Arthur Lambeth 1d 711
    Family ID F00003  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 10 Jan 1869 - 3 Spring Gardens, Northampton, Northamptonshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 15 Aug 1900 - Emmanuel Church, Lambeth, London SE11 Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 06 Sep 1947 - Nags Head, 65 Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Histories
    Transcript of Postcard From Australia to the Bell Inn, Stoke Mandeville
    Transcript of Postcard From Australia to the Bell Inn, Stoke Mandeville
    Postcard found in the possessions of EE Clipson
    Addressed to Mr Arthur Wooster, Bell Inn, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Bucks, England.
    Postcard of Native Bullock Cart, Ceylon and posted in Australia.

    Dear Arthur and Ede,
    We are getting near our destination now. This is a typical picture of what we saw in Ceylon, had a 3 hour drive round the different native villages. They have oxen to draw the carts about here, horses in the carriages. There were in some parts, coach painters, Builders yards and Smiths shops, in fact we could have got a job ourselves, as they wanted carpenters, it was posted up on the gates, did not think anything about it as it is such a hot climate. There is a large Liptons tea factory. Mostly natives work there. The people are only half dressed, but it is a lovely place. Hope you are keeping well. We are A1, it has been very hot through the tropics. We are 9 days between Colombo and Freemantle, nothing but water did not even see another boat. Love to all Yours Jim.
    Edith Annie Wooster's (nee Seal) Funeral
    Edith Annie Wooster's (nee Seal) Funeral
    The funeral of Edith Annie Seal, wife of Arthur Wooster, landlord of the Nag's Head in Aylesbury

  • Notes 
    • Birth certificate 10 January 1869
      Resident at 3 Spring Gardens Northampton. Father named as Joseph Seal a soda water bottler.

      Northampton All Saints 1871 Census
      Edith Seal aged 3 resident at 49 St James Street Northampton with parents Joseph aged 33 a soda water manufacturer and Ann aged 26 a dressmaker and brother James aged 5 a scholar and Hannah Gross a widow aged 61 a laundress born Northampton West Haddon.

      Northampton 1881 Census
      Dwelling:49 St James St
      Census Place:Northampton All Sts, Northampton, England
      Source:FHL Film 1341374 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 1553 Folio 58 Page 17
      Joseph SEALM43 MGt Bowden, Leicester, England
      Occ:Soda Water Manufacturer
      Annie SEALM37 FElesbrough, Buckingham, England
      James SEAL 15 MNorthampton, England
      Edith SEAL 12 FNorthampton, England
      Eldred SEAL 8 MNorthampton, England
      Elsie SEAL 7 FNorthampton, England
      Violet SEAL 5 FNorthampton, England
      Mary SEAL 3 FNorthampton, England
      Sarah SEAL 1 FNorthampton, England

      Seal Family Bible
      Evidence of all members of the Seal family birth and death dates.

      Brington, Northampton 1891 Census
      The Rectory, Brington, Northamptonshire
      RG12/1207 Folio 8 Page 9
      Alexander L G MorleyHeadM39Land AgentBucks, Newport Pagnel
      Rosalind F MorleyWifeM31India, Sinla
      Alexander F MorleySon1Northamptonshire, Brington
      Rosalind L MorleyDau10 monthsNorthamptonshire, Brington
      Grace I Dumbleton Sister In LawS29India, Sinla
      Edith A SealServS24Cook DomesticNorthampton
      Susan WrightServS28Parlour Maid DomNorthampton
      Elizabeth LabrumServS19Housemaid DomNorthants, Weedon
      Alice WalkerServS22Nurse DomLincs, Grantham
      Louisa AndersonServS14 Nurse Maid DomNorthants, Brington

      Marriages Sep 1900
      Seal Edith Annie Lambeth 1d 711
      Wooster Arthur Lambeth 1d 711

      Marriage certificate to Arthur Wooster 15 August 1900
      -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
      Resident at 5 Lollard Street aged 31. Father Joseph a gardener.

      Lambeth London 1901 Census
      PRO RG13 Piece 412 Folio 133 Page 19
      43 Oval Chambers, Lambeth, London. Kennington St Mark
      Arthur WoosterHeadM23Foreman HorsekeeperWorker(Groom)London, Lambeth
      Edith A WoosterWifeM32Northants, St Giles

      Aylesbury Buckinghamshire 1911 Census
      Registration district: Aylesbury, Registration District Number: 146, Sub-registration district: Aylesbury, ED: 13, Household schedule number: 66 Piece 7940
      Bell Inn, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury, Bucks
      Arthur Wooster, Head, 35, Yrs married 16, Licenced Victualler, Own account, At home, London, Lambeth.
      Edith Annie Wooster, Wife, 42, Assisting in business, Northampton.
      Edith Elsie Wooster, 14

      Death certificate 6 September 1947
      Resident at Nags Head 65 Cambridge Street Aylesbury aged 78.